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Employment Application

The completed application (below) and required documents can be emailed to Marisela Arreguin, Human Resources Officer.  

The deadline to submit an application is February 7, 2025.  Our Administration Office is located at 19900 Portola Drive, Salinas CA  93908, if you would like to mail or hand deliver.

Employment Application (Fillable).pdf



I hereby certify that I have personally completed this application and that the answers given by me to the foregoing questions and statements are true and complete and that no material fact has been omitted. I understand that any false statements appearing on this or any other employment form is sufficient reason to end further consideration of this application and not hire me; if discovered after my employment, such false statements will be sufficient reason for dismissal from the services of Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District regardless of the time that has elapsed before discovery.

I realize that Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District or its designated agents may contact my references and conduct investigations into my past employment, criminal background, fingerprints, arrest record, credit history, character, reputation, characteristics, mode of living, education credentials, Department of Motor Vehicles driving record, and other employment related activities and records. I agree to cooperate in such investigations and release those parties supplying such information to Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District.

I understand that filing this application in no way assures me a position with Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District, and that this application is not, and is not intended to be, a contract of employment.

If employed by Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District, I agree to abide by the rules, policies and procedures of Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District and subsequent rules, policies and procedures that may become effective after my employment. I understand that my initial and continued employment may be contingent upon the successful completion of any of the above listed investigations as well as a medical examination which may include drug and alcohol screening. I understand that Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District during the time of employment. I further understand that Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District is prohibited from employing persons who have been convicted of specified crimes, including crimes involving moral turpitude, and that Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District may receive notification of arrests that occur after hiring.
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